Our Lady of Fatima celebrated the 69th Independence Day with great fervor and enthusiasm. The chief guest for the occasion was Dr. Mohd. Gulrez – professor in the Department of West Asian Studies and Director of Schools of A. M. U.

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The students of class 8th showcased their talents in all genres with full energy. The National Flag was unfurled at 7:30 A.M. by the chief guest in the presence of Principal Sr. Deepti and other sisters, teachers and the students. It was followed by the National Anthem and the Pledge.


The program started with a prayer dance by boys followed by a patriotic dance.


There was a skit depicting the urge to make India clean and green.


The vivacious dance Performance on “Vande Matram” left everyone spellbound.

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The speech by chief guest was very inspiring. Towards the end of the function, the principal, Sr. Deepti delivered the Vote of Thanks and appreciated the efforts of the students of class 8th.
